A coproduction with the Arena Festival, Erlangen, Germany 2004
Be happy while you’re living, for you’re a long time dead
Scottish Proverb
Double – twice; one and one; first and second; multiplication; unnatural. Am I alone or is there two of me? When I walk, do I walk next to myself, behind myself or maybe in front of myself?
Double is beginning and end – two separate places that are interdependent. I run and run but at the end of the race I discover my double – the pursued. It is then that I remember that Death has two faces – happy & unhappy. I ask myself the question – which one of us is real?
Kuba Pierzchalski & Rachel Karafistan
Urlike Hoffmeier, Adam Brown, Steffanie Miller, Liam Lane, Kuba Pierzchalski & Rachel Karafistan
Original Music:
Joel Kendrick & Kuba Pierzchalski
Angela Beyerlein & Urlich Blanché
July 2004 – 14th ARENA International Festival of Young Theatres, Erlangen, Germany.