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photo: Basia Sinica
photo: Basia Sinica
photo: Basia Sinica
photo: Basia Sinica
photo: Andrzej Majos
photo: Andrzej Majos
photo: Andrzej Majos
photo: Andrzej Majos




Thank you for this lightning storm of hope in dark times. I am an old-fashioned theatre man.
On evenings like this I gain my confidence in the magic of theatre as a dignified phenomenon.
Only the fragile form of life, tense between power and powerlessness, possesses dignity.
Christoff Bleidt – Theaterhaus Berlin

Heartburn moves from laughter to tears.
It bursts with pain, anger and love.
It is a story about women and it is my story.
Ewa Kaczmarek, award winning actress, Tlusta Langusta, Poland


What our audiences say:
The truth is that it was so strong, that I was speechless.

a beautiful and powerful performance, where the truth was sometimes unbearable

Heartburn swings through the emotions, like riding a roller coaster

Intimate and public all at once because it concerns everyone

I hope that this show will be played often,
It is important, uncompromising and necessary.



03 October 2024: Dalekie Bliskie Theatre Festival, Chorzów, Poland

05,06,07 December 2024: ACUD Theatre, Berlin, Germany   tickets: https://www.acud-theater.de/programm/5508-heartburn.html



June 2024:  Unithea Festival, Frankfurt Oder, Germany

April 2024: Teatr Ósmego Dnia, Poznań, Poland

January 2023: English Theatre Berlin, Germany 

November 2022: Festiwal Sytuacje/ Relacje, Bydgoszcz, Poland 

October 2022: Bucharest Fringe Festival, Romania

June / July 2022: Tlusta Langusta, Poznań, Poland as part of Malta Festiwal, Poznań, Poland

June 2022:London Bubble, UK: Heartburn women workshop

June 2022: Calm Down, Dear Festival Camden People’s Theatre, London, UK

May 2022: Guest Performance at Odin Teatret, Holstebro, Denmark

March 2022: International Women’s Day@ Theater Haus Schoneweide, Berlin

February 2022: Teatr Osmego Dnia, Poznan, Poland

January 2022: Premiere: Tlusta Langusta, Poznań, Poland

Two women face the truth of the dissolution of the European egalitarian dream.
Everywhere they look things are not equal; in the taxi, on the bench in the middle of a village, in the congregation, in the boardroom, in the home. They tell stories of abortion, sing about violence and dance about menopause. They remember the lies they were told as children and question the hope that things might be different for future generations. The performance uses puppetry, comedy, song, text and movement to create a hybrid, humorous and powerful perspective on being a woman in Europe today. ‘For it was Adam who was first created, and then Eve’ Timothy 2:1
Performed in English, Polish & Spanish with English surtitles.

Cosmino Production’s eighth touring production sees them join forces with Spanish actress, Eva Rufo and British artist, Jo Johnston.

Created and directed by the company
Performers: Eva Rufo and Rachel Karafistan
Costumes: Renata Kałek
Artwork: Jo Johnston
Production assistant & translation: Kaja Banaszak
Music: Kuba Pierzchalski
Photos: Basia Sinica

Your Story : A workshop for everyone who has ever identified as a woman, in English & Polish
Create a Collage with British Artist Jo Johnston and Heartburn performers Rachel Karafistan & Eva Rufo.

A collage can be: “A piece of art made by sticking various different materials such as photographs and pieces of paper or fabric on to a backing.” “A collection or combination of various things.” So, basically cutting out and sticking on!

In this workshop, we invite you to create a collage with the guidance of artist, Jo Johnston and then (if you feel comfortable) share the story behind the image in a safe space. Easily accessible, no drawing skills required. You have the freedom to choose and reframe images in order to tell your story. There is no right or wrong way to do it. 

 Simply find images/words that tell your stories as a woman/girl, that you connect with, express feelings and invoke memories. Proportion is not important.

Think in the context of society, family, friends, religion, politics, work, community. Colours, shapes, patterns and textures can all evoke feeling, memories and experiences in us. It can be exciting to cut images or parts of images out of their original context and ”reframe“ them to connect them to our own personal situation. Examples will be given alongside guidance and vocal and physical impulses / exercises from the Heartburn team will help to get you started and create conversations about the themes explored in the performance.
Images, thoughts, feelings and secrets can even be hidden and folded away in your collage.

Feel free to bring magazines, newspapers, photos or copies of photos, fabric, thread, letters, anything you don’t mind cutting up. We will also have a variety of resources available.

If you wish, after the workshop, you will be invited to upload your images here www.heartburnwomen.com and pour yourself a cup of tea and read the stories that other women from across the world have taken the time to share.

Places on the workshop are limited and always free.

With the support of: