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King A

Photo: Christina Canaval
Photo: Christina Canaval
Photo: Christina Canaval
Photo: Christina Canaval
Photo: Christina Canaval
Photo: Christina Canaval
Photo: Christina Canaval




King A – a tribute to the chivalrous heart in all of us.

‘He who draws the sword from the stone, is King.’

a dynamic and physical journey into the beating heart of this timeless legend.

for 10+
In German

Original concept by Inez Derksen on behalf of Het Langland, written by several theatre authors.

Cast: Tim Oberließen, Gregor Schulz, Hanno Waldner, Elisa Agbaglah and Nikola Rudle

Direction: Rachel Karafistan and Kuba Pierzchalski

Scenography: Sonja Böhm

Dramaturgy: Angela Beyerlein

Produced by Salzburg Landestheater, Austria

Premiere: 26 April 2017, Salzburg Landestheater, Austria – runs until 19 May 2017

Tickets: http://www.salzburger-landestheater.at/de/produktionen/king-a.html/m=76


“Music, singing and rhythm make for an exciting and at the same time poetic theatrical experience that touches many topics, but above all shows how important it is to follow your path – and that it is human to make mistakes and learn from them.”
King A – Reichenhaller Tagblatt, Salzburg


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