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Eva Rufo

Eva Rufo. Toledo. Spain.

Eva has been dancing since she was 4 years old and the rigour of this discipline has never left her body or her work. She is excited by the potential of creating performances outside of ‘traditional’ performance spaces and since 2006 Eva has been producing her own performances inspired by the Cuentacuentos (storytelling) tradition. Eva has created ten performances to date: Zapominać=Zabić (2006) Nosotro$ollE (2007) Mujeres-Kobiety (2008), Me too (…I want to be an Almodovar girl) (2009) Art. 182 ust.1-3 kc (2009), ¡¡¡Oooooleee!!! (2012), Rayuela (2014), Todo Cambia (2014), Christmas Tales (2016), With Wine, About Wine / Z winem o winie (2017).

Eva regularly runs workshops in dance, storytelling, and TIE throughout Poland: i.e. the Puppet Theatre (Poznan), Off Opera (Poznan), STOP-KLATKA Association of Drama Practitioners (Warsaw), Imaginarium, One World Association (Poznan) and in many primary and secondary schools.

Eva teaches Spanish at the Institute of Linguistics (UAM), where since 1999 she organizes with her students an annual story telling event and since 2006 the Story Festival ‘Una Semana de Cuento’.

In 2018, she directed the ” Five Worlds Project”, the closing concert of the Days of Cultural Diversity at UAM, Poznan.
